View fullsize The Event: Das Groovy BabyA hypothetical event poster made in Photoshop. The fictional runway show was inspired by the 70s and the Austin Powers in Goldmember film. View fullsize Lady Digital fashion illustration. View fullsize The Pitch: Miroir À La ModeA hypothetical product poster with each inset made in Photoshop. This is a fictional advertisement to pitch a virtual mirror that I created. This is a way to try on clothes through the mirror before actually putting them on. View fullsize In Love. Maybe, baby Digital fashion illustration. The Nitty Gritty NinetiesThis is a mood board I created for 2020’s upcoming and honestly ongoing fashion trend: grunge. I combined my illustration with photos of the latest runway looks, photos from the 90s, fabrics, and adjectives. View fullsize Space MamaDigital fashion illustration. View fullsize Storyboard: How To Pierce Your Own EarA storyboard is a step by step process of how something works. I created realistic images of how self ear piercing should be done. Each image was made in Photoshop then placed in an Illustrator template with a voice over and visual descriptions under.